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【訳註1】compostを「堆肥体」と訳す理由は、これが人類やポスト・ヒューマンに内在する人間例外主義と目的論志向を批判し、土を介した関係と身体の可能性を引き出す、多種共生時代のアクターとしての人間を示す用語だからである。Compostには、humanの語源であるhumus(ラテン語で「土」)やguman(インド-ヨーロッパ祖語ghomon、「地の人」)に訴えかけるという狙いもあるだろう。本インタヴューでも話題のひとつとなっている(多種の生物/非生物、技術、生物学的実体、アート作品、精霊、神話上の生きものなども含む)「地と共にある者たち(chthonic ones)」のなかにいる人間を指すのが「堆肥体」である。詳しくはStaying with the Troubleに譲るが、以上の理由により、compostが現生人類に対して使われる場合は「堆肥体」、一般的な堆肥を指す場合は「堆肥」と訳し分けている。いずれにせよ、ジョークとしてのユーモア感覚を忘れずに。

I lived at a friend's house for a few months since the beginning of 2021. We were on the higher floor of a municipal housing complex. It was a rough and unsettling feeling to be in a relatively central part of town, far from the earth. I felt as if there are no other excerpts human in the city. (Though I'm a sloppy person and often got flies in my garbage cans.) Of course, no matter where I am, I have countless microorganisms inside me, parasites stuck in my face, and I live off the soil cultivated by various creatures and vegetables or animal flesh grown by farmers. However, living in the center of Hiroshima City, with all the social categories that come to mind, I felt as if I were losing my place of escape, so I decided to live for a month in the northern part of Hiroshima, in the town of Kita Hiroshima. This place is surrounded by mountains. This was not an artist-in-residence program, but a residency I decided to take advantage of the local trial housing program, which I chose because I thought the caretaker's uncle was an interesting person.

It is a practice of "multispecies entanglement," not human exceptionalism.(* because I am inspired by the "compost " advocated by Dana Haraway. We are moving toward "humus," as in being with the soil, rather than the phallic/human exceptionalist "human.")


Reference: Staying with the Manifesto: An Interview with Donna Haraway


名称未設定のアートワーク 2.JPG
名称未設定のアートワーク 6.JPG

I hear something rustling.

I get an itch on my shin.

「人間」というものがここではとても脆弱に感じられる。この名称そのものがとても脆い。夜、布団に横たわっていると無性に色んな気配がする。木造の家が鳴っている。何かが動く音がする。虫が鳴く。鳥が鳴く。怖い。私は粘土を無性に触って何かを残したくなった。それから作ったのは、手で握り潰したそのままをくっつけたような簡単な形。触手のような蛇のようなニョロニョロしたイメージはハラウェイの「Tentacular thinking」から拝借した。他のものを食べること、知覚することに関わる触手と、地を這うものたち。それらの小さなうにょうにょをそのにぎやかな気配に負けないような色で塗って、このうるせえ部屋のあちこちにばら撒いた。

How fragile the "human" thing is here. The word itself is very fragile. When I lie on my futon at night, I feel many things. The wooden house is rumbling. I hear something moving. Insects are singing. Birds are singing. I am afraid. I wanted to touch the clay and leave something. Then I made a simple shape, as if I had grabbed a handful of clay and stuck it together. I borrowed the gnarled tentacle-like snake-like image from Haraway's "Tentacular thinking. Tentacles involved in eating and perceiving other things, and things crawling on the ground. I painted these little crawly things in colors that would not overpower their loud presence, and scattered them all over this noisy room.


I saw also the dismantling of a boar. There are many battles between farmers who do not want their fields to be destroyed and boars.

One family's dog was trained to bite any four-legged animal.It is said that humans are also attacked by the dog if they walk on all four legs.


Special Thanks for Kitahiroshimatyo-no-OJISAN ^^

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